Find out how much assistance your family may receive in texas, based on your income.


The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in texas, including Medicaid.


This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.


Texas Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Texas TANF provides temporary financial and medical assistance to neediest children and the parents or relatives with whom they are living.

In Texas, TANF serves only very poor families with children with assets not exceeding $1,000 and countable incomes of not more than $188 per month for a family of three.

As the focus of TANF is self-sufficiency through work, families who receive cash assistance must actively seek employment or participate in work activities.

How much cash assistance can I get in Texas?

Family Size

How do I get a one time TANF in Texas?

One-time TANF of up to $1,000 in cash is also available for families in crisis. However, it can be given only once in a 12-month period to those who qualify.

How do I apply for TANF in Texas?

Application for benefits is easy. If you live in Texas, go to Your Texas Benefits — the one-stop portal for all Texas residents to apply for SNAP food benefits, Medicaid, CHIP, as well as TANF.

Texas Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Texas SNAP helps low-income people and families in Texas with cash assistance to buy the food they need for a nutritionally adequate diet. Eligibility is determined by certain factors, primarily your income and household size.

As a condition of eligibility, all SNAP recipients who aren’t disabled or raising children must meet the general SNAP work rules or the ABAWD work rules unless otherwise exempt.

What is the income limit for SNAP in Texas?

Most families in Texas with gross income up to 165% of the federal poverty level, about $3,550 a month for a family of three, qualify for food assistance.

Family Size
Income Limit
Gross income limit applies to most households, except those in which at least one person is 60 years of age or older, or receives disability income.

How do I sign up for food stamps in Texas?

To apply for SNAP benefits, you may do so at Your Texas Benefits — the online platform to apply for social benefits in the State of Texas. Once your application is received, an eligibility interview with a caseworker will then be arranged.

Texas Special Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Texas WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, and young children eat well, learn about nutrition, and stay healthy.

It provides special checks or vouchers for buying healthy foods to supplement their diet. Other benefits include nutrition education, breastfeeding support, free screening and referral to health care.

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for WIC:

  1. Live in Texas.
  2. Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old.
  3. Have a household income less than 185% of the federal poverty limit.
  4. Have a nutritional need or risk.

What is the income limit for WIC in Texas?

All applicants must be income eligible — incomes not exceeding 185% FPL, and be individually determined by a health professional to be “at nutritional risk”.


How do I apply for WIC in Texas?

You can start your application online or over the phone. Use the WIC Office Locator to find a WIC office near you or call (800) 942-3678 to schedule an appointment.

San Antonio WIC Clinic
7424 Military Dr W,
San Antonio, TX 78227
(210) 207-4690

Texas Medicaid

Texas Medicaid serves primarily children from low-income families, pregnant women, people age 65+ and people with disabilities who could not otherwise afford private insurance coverage.

Most people who receive Medicaid in Texas are enrolled in one of the following managed care programs:

  1. STAR
  2. STAR Kids
  3. STAR Health
  4. STAR+PLUS (for adults who have disabilities or are age 65 or older)
  5. CHIP

As Texas is not expanding Medicaid coverage, eligibility for non-disabled adults is limited to parents with incomes below 15% of poverty level whose child is enrolled in Medicaid.

For a single mother with two kids, the parent is only eligible for Medicaid if the kids are on Medicaid and her total household income doesn’t exceed $3,873 per year.

texas Medicaid 149% 207% 15%
A 5% disregard based on the federal poverty level (FPL) for the household size is applied and is reflected in the amounts shown above.

How do I apply for Medicaid in Texas?

Go to a Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) benefits office near you or apply online through Your Texas Benefits and choose “Apply for new benefits.”

Is there Medicaid for adults in Texas?

No, adults without minor children are ineligible for Medicaid regardless of how low their income is, unless they’re disabled, in which they have the option to “buy-in” to Medicaid coverage by making monthly payments.

Texas Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Texas CHIP is designed for children whose families who earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid, yet cannot afford to buy private insurance.

With CHIP, kids from low-income families can receive free health coverage for various medical services such as routine check-ups, dental and vision care, prescription drugs, hospital visits and lab tests.

Depending on your income, you may have to pay an enrollment fee and co-pay for doctor visits and medicine. Sign-up fees range from $0 - $50 a year for all the children in the family. Co-pays are based on the service and range from $3 - $25.

What is the income limit for CHIP in Texas?

In Texas, children in families with incomes up to at least 206% of the federal poverty level, or about $53,189 for a family of three, are eligible for either Medicaid or CHIP.

Family Size
Income Limit

Once you’re approved for Medicaid or CHIP, you’ll choose a health plan for your child from the ones available in your service area.

Healthy Texas Women

Healthy Texas Women (HTW) is a program dedicated to offering women’s health and family planning at no cost to eligible women in Texas whose income is no more than 200% of the poverty level.

Family Size
Income Limit

Under the HTW program, eligible low-income women can get preventive health screenings, women’s health exams, and family planning, including contraception, at little or no cost.

How do I apply for Healthy Texas Women?

You can apply for Healthy Texas Women over the phone by calling 2-1-1 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time, Monday to Friday or apply online at Your Texas Benefits.

Pregnant women or those enrolled in Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare Parts A or B are not eligible for Healthy Texas Women. Those who are pregnant will be referred to a program such as Medicaid for Pregnant Women or CHIP Perinatal.

Texas CHIP Perinatal

Texas CHIP Perinatal is a program that provides limited health coverage for pregnant women and their unborn children who are not eligible for Medicaid due to immigration status.

CHIP Perinatal coverage includes:

  • Prenatal care, including referrals for specialty services
  • Up to two postpartum visits within 60 days of giving birth
  • Emergency care for emergency medical conditions

CHIP perinatal care is provided by all CHIP health plans throughout the state. Women can apply for coverage online at Your Texas Benefits.

CHIP Perinatal Member Services
(888) 760-2600

Texas Child Care Services (CCS) Program

Parents in Texas who work, attend school or participate in job training may be eligible for financial assistance, also known as subsidy, to cover a portion or, in some cases, all of the cost of child care.

As a condition of eligibility, parents are required to work at least 50 hours a week or 25 hours a week for a single-parent family.

Due to limited funds available, parents applying for child care assitance may be placed on a wait list. The wait time averages about 2-3 months.

What is the income limit for child care assistance in Texas?

Eligibility criteria may vary in different regions of the state but generally, families with income not exceeding 85% of the state median income will qualify. That’s about $6,141 a month for a family of three.

Family Size
Income Limit

How do I apply for child care assistance in Texas?

Eligibility requirements may vary by providers. Depending on what part of the state you live in, find your local Workforce Solutions office to access the availability of assistance or call the Texas Information and Referral Network (dial 2-1-1) to find out more.

Texas Section 8

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Program waiting list is currently closed.

Texas residents who need housing assistance may apply for the Section 8, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. The program offers rental subsidies that allows eligible low-income families to rent a home of their choice on the private market.

Eligibility is based on several factors, including the household’s income, size and composition, citizenship status, assets, medical and childcare expenses. Priority is given to extremely low-income families with children.

Eligibility guidelines define a “extremely low-income family” as one with a total annual gross household income that is equal to or less than 30% of the local area median income. For a family of three, it’s about $26,009 or less.

How do I apply for Section 8 housing in Texas?

To apply for subsidized housing assistance and to find out if you qualify, please contact one of these HUD Regional Offices:

Houston HUD
(713) 718-3199
Fort Worth HUD
(817) 978-5700
San Antonio HUD
(210) 475-6806

Texas Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

Texas’ Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is a utility assistance program available to help eligible Texas households with their utility bills, particularly those with the lowest incomes and the highest home energy costs.

CEAP targets low income households with income not more than 60% of the State Median Income (SMI). For example, a three-person household in Texas with a monthly household income of $4,335 or less might qualify for CEAP.

Family Size
Income Limit
LIHEAP Income Guidelines for FY25, which is October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.

Eligible households may receive a one-time credit of up to $12,300. 1 As funding is limited, households that include young children, elderly or disabled members are given first priority.

How can I get help with my electric bill in Texas?

CEAP is available in each of the 254 Texas counties. If you need assistance with utility bills, call (877) 399-8939 to find the local CEAP service provider nearest you.

Texas Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.

Texas LIHWAP provides eligible low-income households in Texas with up to $2,400 for water and wastewater services, depending on household income.

Households facing the threat of disconnection, or those that have already been disconnected, are eligible for priority consideration.

Application for LIHWAP is open now through September 30, 2023, pending funding availability. The application process and requirements are the same as for CEAP.

How do I get help paying my water bill in Texas?

If you are in danger of falling behind on your water bills and need help, you may apply for LIHWAP at Texas Utility Help or call (855) 566-2057 for assistance. Help is available in multiple languages.

Texas Unemployment Insurance

Texas Unemployment Insurance (UI) offers temporary financial assistance to employees who lost their jobs through no fault of their own — providing a safety net for them and their families during times of unemployment.

Not everyone who applies gets benefits. You must meet all requirements in each of these three areas to qualify for unemployment benefits.

  1. Past wages in at least two of the four calendar quarters that make up the base period,
  2. Job separation(s), and
  3. Ongoing eligibility requirements.

Unless exempt, you are required to register as a job seeker on within three business days of applying for benefits or you might not be paid.

How much is unemployment insurance in Texas?

Depending upon your previous earnings, your weekly benefit amount will be between $74 and $591. Most Texans receive jobless benefits for up to 26 weeks.

How do I file for unemployment in Texas?

You may submit an application for unemployment benefits online or if you wish to file by phone, call Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Tele-Center at (800) 939-6631 to speak to a customer service representative.

Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)

Administered by the state of Texas, Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG) provides assistance to students with financial need who are seeking a first Bachelor’s degree, a graduate degree or professional degree.

Texas residents and out of state residents who meet the priority deadline are eligible. Award amounts may vary based on availability of funds and number of eligible applicants.

Since each institution set its own priorities in making awards to students, it’s best that you contact your college financial aid office for additional information on eligibility or availability of fund.

Texas State Tution Grant (TSTG)

Texas State Tution Grant (TSTG) is an institutional grant awarded to Texas residents based on their financial need. Typically, this grant is awarded to eligible students once Texas Public Educational Grant funds are exhausted.

The current maximum award for TSTG is $6,000.

TSTG is, however, contingent upon the availability of state funds and will be cancelled or reduced in the event state funds are no longer available.


To be eligible for TEXAS (Towards EXcellence, Access and Success) Grant, you must first demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA — that is, a 9 month EFC of no more than $6,656, and be enrolled at least three-quarter time.

Eligible students who are working on their first undergraduate degree, may receive up to $5,387 per academic year, contingent upon the availability of state funds.

Since funding is limited, you must complete and submit the FAFSA or Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) by January 15th for priority consideration.


  1. The maximum benefit amount per household is $12,300 per program year and could be reached if a household received up to $2,400 in Crisis Assistance, $2,400 in Utility Assistance, and a $7,500 repair or replacement of a heating or cooling unit or crisis-related purchase of portable air conditioning/window units/evaporative coolers and heating units.