

Find out how much assistance your family may receive in vermont, based on your income.


The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in vermont, including Medicaid.

Summer EBT/SUN Bucks is only available during the summer months of June, July, and August.


This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.


Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit

A proposal has been made to increase the Vermont EITC to 55% for families with children. This change would increase the state EITC by $2,268 for a family with one child and $4,307 for a family with three children.

In 2024, the EITC offers working families in Vermont a credit of up to $7,830 to help make ends meet. A single mother of two earning under $55,768 is eligible to claim it.

As one of 31 states that supplement the federal EITC with their own, Vermont piggybacks onto the federal EITC by adding an additional 38% to the federal credit, and is fully refundable for all qualifying Vermont filers.

That’s an extra $2,975 for a family of three or more.

How much is Vermont Earned Income Credit?

3 or more

In addition, any family with dependent children who receives the Vermont EITC is automatically income eligible for food benefits through 3SquaresVT.

Vermont Reach Up

Reach Up, the State of Vermont’s welfare-to-work program, helps families with children in Vermont by providing cash assistance for basic necessities and services that support work and self-sufficiency.

Eligibility depends on your income, resources, living expenses, who lives with you, your ability to work, and other factors. Eligible families of three may receive up to $856 per month.

Family Size

If you’re a single mother with a child under 6 years old, you’re expected, as a condition of eligibility, to work 20 hours per week or participate in approved activities that will lead to a job.

How do I apply for welfare in Vermont?

myBenefits is the official State of Vermont’s website to apply for public benefits such as 3SquaresVT, Essential Person, Fuel Assistance, and Reach Up.

Vermont 3SquaresVT (SNAP)

3SquaresVT is the name for Vermont’s food stamp program. 3SquaresVT provides monthly benefits to low-income Vermonters to help pay for the cost of food. Children whose families get 3SquaresVT, in any amount, automatically get free school meals.

The benefits you may receive largely depend on your household size, income, and other allowable expenses. For example, families of three with no income may receive up to $768 in monthly benefits.

Family Size
Income Limit
Gross income limit applies to most households, except those in which at least one person is 60 years of age or older, or receives disability income.

How do I apply for food stamps in Vermont?

Application for 3SquaresVT can be made online via myBenefits or in person at your local district office. After your application is filed, an interview will be arranged, either by phone or in person, to determine your eligibility.

Vermont SUN Bucks

SUN Bucks, also known as Summer EBT, is a new federal program that helps families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer break when school meals aren’t available.

Families that qualify will receive $120 per eligible child for healthy summer foods. The benefits will be added to an existing EBT card or a newly issued Summer EBT card.

Many families will automatically get Summer EBT benefits if they already receive other benefits like 3SquaresVT, Reach Up or Medicaid with a qualifying family income.

If your family isn’t automatically enrolled in SUN Bucks but might be eligible, you can apply easily online.

Summer EBT Helpline
(888) 354-0012

Vermont Free School Lunch Program

Vermont’s National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally-subsidized meal program that provides nutritious, low-cost or free lunches to eligible students each day.

Before the pandemic, children from households with incomes of less than or equal to the income criteria may be eligible for either free or reduced priced meals.

Parents had to fill out forms to determine if they were eligible for free meals and if not, it cost just over $2 a day for lunch.

Is Vermont offering free or reduced lunch?

Yes, Vermont is the 6th state to make universal free meals permanent where every student attending a public school in Vermont can now get free breakfast and lunch daily at school, regardless of their parents’ income.

The state joins California, Colorado, New Mexico, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan and Minnesota in offering universal free school meals on a permanent basis.

Vermont Medicaid

Medicaid is a health insurance program for the low-income families. Vermont Medicaid is also referred to as Green Mountain Care where Vermonters receive universal health care coverage.

Vermont Medicaid includes coverage for all of the basic healthcare services, including but not limited to hospital stays, doctor’s appointments, emergency care, etc.

While Medicaid coverage is free for adults with qualifying household incomes, certain services may require a copay or have service limitations.

What are the income qualifications for Medicaid in Vermont?

As Vermont is expanding Medicaid coverage, many previously uninsured Vermonters age 19-64 with income up to 138% of the federal poverty level may now gain coverage.

Pregnant women with income up to at least 213% are also eligible for coverage through the Dr. Dynasaur (SCHIP).

vermont Medicaid 317% 213% 138%
A 5% disregard based on the federal poverty level (FPL) for the household size is applied and is reflected in the amounts shown above.

How do I apply for Medicaid in Vermont?

Vermont is operating a State-Based Marketplace, known as Vermont Health Connect — through which you can apply for Medicaid, Dr. Dynasaur or other private health insurance.

Open enrollment is from November 1 to January 15 every year. During this time, you can sign up for a new health plan or change your existing one.

Vermont Dr. Dynasaur (SCHIP)

Vermont’s Dr. Dynasaur offers affordable, low-cost health insurance for the uninsured children of Vermont from birth through age 18.

Benefits include, but are not limited to, doctor visits, prescription medicines, dental & vision care, immunizations and special services for pregnant women such as lab work and tests, prenatal vitamins and among others.

What is the income limit for Dr. Dynasaur in Vermont?

Dr. Dynasaur is available to the children in families with income up to at least 317% of the poverty level. That’s about $81,849 for a family of three.

Family Size
Income Limit

Dr. Dynasaur is free for pregnant women with qualifying household incomes. Depending on household income, children under age 19 may have premiums of $0 - $60 per month for Dr. Dynasaur.

Vermont Child Care Financial Assistance

Child Care Financial Assistance — also known as child care subsidy, is a program that helps eligible families with the cost of child care. The subsidy is paid directly to a qualified child care provider and the recipient pays the remaining cost.

The amount of assistance you may receive is based on your family size and gross monthly income, before taxes and other deductions. Families with lower incomes receive more assistance.

What is the income limit for child care assistance in Vermont?

The income eligibility cap for financial assistance will expand to 575% of the federal poverty level or $12,372 a month for a family of three in October, 2024.

The current income eligibility for families is capped at 575% of the federal poverty level or $12,372 a month for a family of three. Families with an income under 175% of the federal poverty level, or $3,765 per month, will have no copayment.

Family Size
Income Limit

How do I apply for child care assistance in Vermont?

If you need help paying for child care, you may ubmit an online application through the Child Development Division Information System (CDDIS) Parent Portal.

If you get Reach Up, ask your case manager if they can authorize Child Care Financial Assistance for you.

STep Ahead Recognition System (STARS)

Use the STARS to find a quality child care provider near you. The STep Ahead Recognition System (STARS) is Vermont’s quality recognition system for child care, preschool, and afterschool programs.

You may pay less for child care if you receive child care financial assistance AND use a program that has stars as well as a tax credit on your Vermont state income tax if you choose a program that has 3, 4, or 5 stars.

For general questions about STARS, please contact
(800) 649-2642

Vermont Fuel Assistance Program

Fuel Assistance (also known as Home Heating Assistance) can help eligible households in Vermont pay part of their home heating bills.

Priority is granted to low-income Vermonters who live in public, subsidized, or Section 8 housing where rent includes the cost of heat.

Families with a household income equal to or less than 185% of the federal poverty guidelines may qualify for LIHEAP. Depending on the availability of funding, eligible families may receive a one-time credit of up to $1,843.

What is the monthly income limit for LIHEAP in Vermont?

Family Size
Income Limit

How do I apply for fuel assistance in Vermont?

Application starts from the last Monday in November to the last Friday in April. Application is accepted online or in-person at your local district office.

If you need assistance, please call (800) 479-6151.

Vermont Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.

Vermont LIHWAP helps eligible households catch up on past-due water bills, cover the cost of one future bill, or relieve late fees associated with a missed bill.

In order to qualify, households must have an income at or below 60% of the state median income. Priority will be given to households that have been disconnected or are at risk of being disconnected.

How do I get help paying my water bill in Vermont?

If you are in danger of falling behind on your water bills and need help, please submit your application along a copy of a current water/wasterwater bill with your name on it and mail it to:

ADPC - Economic Services Division
280 State Drive, Waterbury
VT 05671-1500

For assistance, please call (800) 339-6433.

Vermont Rental Assistance Program

VERAP is no longer taking new applications for rent.

Vermont Rental Assistance Program (VERAP) provides rental subsidy to help eligible low-income families live in safe and decent housing of their choice. Participants pay 30% of income towards rent, and the state covers the difference.

Many beneficiaries of the program are families with children, the elderly, and the disabled whose income falls within the income guidelines.

How can I get help with rent in Vermont?

To apply for rental assistance, please complete the application form (here) and mail it to:

Vermont State Housing Authority
1 Prospect Street
Montpelier, VT 05602

Vermont Unemployment Insurance

Vermont Unemployment Insurance (UI) provides short-term replacement of lost wages to workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own.

If you become unemployed and have earned at least a minimum amount in wages within the past 18 months, you may qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.

How much are Vermont unemployment benefits?

The current maximum weekly benefit amount is $729. Typically the weekly benefit amount is computed by dividing the total wages paid in the two highest quarters in the worker’s base period by 45.

How do I apply for unemployment in Vermont?

Application for UI benefits can be done via Vermont’s Claimant Portal or if you wish to file your claim over the phone, please call (877) 214-3330.

Vermont Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is a federal program designed to help people whose employment has been lost or interrupted as a direct result of a major disaster and who are not eligible for regular unemployment insurance benefits.

There is no work search requirement for employees who are temporarily laid off for 10 weeks or less. Individuals filing for benefits will need to provide an estimated return-to-work date in order to have the work search requirement waived.

If you believe you may qualify for DUA, file an initial unemployment insurance (UI) claim online through Vermont’s Claimant Portal or by calling (877) 214-3330.

Vermont Lifeline

As of November 1, 2017, you’ll no longer be able to use Fuel Assistance or Reach Up to prove your eligibility for Lifeline.

This Vermont program entitles low-income Vermonters up to a $13 reduction off their monthly phone bill. The credit appears each month on the recipient’s bill.

If you are eligible for other government benefits, you may automatically qualify for this program. Eligibility is also based on income criteria that may change from year to year.

For additional information, call
The Economic Services Division
(800) 775-0507

Vermont Incentive Grant

Vermont Incentive Grant is available for Vermont residents with financial need who are enrolled full-time at any postsecondary institution that participates in the federal Pell grant program.

The grant award amount is based on financial need and the actual cost of attendance — ranging from $1,000 to $14,000. The award amounts are determined annually based on funding availability.

Vermont Part-Time Grant is for Vermont residents enrolled in fewer than 12 credits per term. The amount of each award varies based on the number of credit hours — ranging from $500 to $10,500.