Find out how much assistance your family may receive in nebraska, based on your income.
The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in nebraska, including Medicaid.
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks is only available during the summer months of June, July, and August.
This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.
Nebraska Aid to Dependent Children (ADC)
Nebraska Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) provides small cash assistance to low-income families with children up to 18 years of age. It is used to pay for family living expenses like rent, utilities, food, clothing, and other necessities.
Unless otherwise exempt, participants are required to complete at least 30 hours a week of designated work activities to remain eligible for assistance.
Currently, a family of three with monthly income of less than about $1,000 may qualify for a maximum payment of $552 per month.
How do I apply for TANF in Nebraska?
There is no longer a need to mail in a paper application. It is now easier to apply for TANF online through iServe Nebraska, the new benefit application that replaced ACCESSNebraska.
Nebraska Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP helps low-income people buy food. While it’s not necessary to be receiving other public assistance to qualify, Nebraskans don’t receive SNAP automatically — they must apply and be found eligible.
SNAP eligibility starts right at 165% of the poverty line, or about $3,550 a month for a family of three in Nebraska.
How do I apply for food stamps in Nebraska?
You can apply for SNAP using a paper application or online at iServe Nebraska or by calling the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services at (800) 254-4202.
Nebraska Medicaid
Nebraska Medicaid offers health care coverage for Nebraska residents who meet the program’s eligibility requirements for Medicaid. It covers families with children, pregnant women, and people who are aging, blind and disabled.
There are two benefit packages: Basic and Prime.
Basic package is for eligible adults who are 19 to 64 years old while the Prime package is for eligible 19 and 20-year olds, pregnant women and the medically frail.
How much can I make in Nebraska and still get Medicaid?
Under the newly expanded eligibility rules, adults ages 19-64 with income up to 138% of the poverty level are now eligible for Medicaid in Nebraska.
nebraska Medicaid | 145% | 202% | 138% |
1 | $21,837 | $30,421 | $20,783 |
2 | $29,638 | $41,289 | $28,207 |
3 | $37,439 | $52,156 | $35,632 |
4 | $45,240 | $63,024 | $43,056 |
5 | $53,041 | $73,892 | $50,480 |
6 | $60,842 | $84,759 | $57,905 |
7 | $68,643 | $95,627 | $65,329 |
8 | $76,444 | $106,494 | $72,754 |
How do I apply for Medicaid in Nebraska?
If you haven’t done so, you may fill out an application online by visiting iServe Nebraska or you may call (800) 383-4278 to request a paper application that you may submit by mail.
Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program
The Prenatal Plus Program (PPP) supports Nebraska Medicaid-eligible pregnant mothers identified by their prenatal healthcare provider as being at risk for health complications during pregnancy or after childbirth.
Implemented on January 1, 2025, Prenatal Plus mirrors similar successful programs in Colorado and Florida and is designed for at-risk mothers who are currently NOT in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Nebraska Prenatal Plus
(402) 471-6585
Nebraska Kids Connection
Kids Connection is Nebraska’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) — an expansion of Medicaid for certain uninsured children under the age of 19 who do not qualify for Medicaid, providing the same services covered under Medicaid.
It is primarily designed to provide health coverage, at no cost, for children in families with income too high to qualify for Medicaid but too low to afford private coverage.
Currently, only kids with family income not exceeding 218% of the federal poverty level are eligible for medical assistance through Kids Connection. That’s about $56,288 for a family of three.
Medicaid for Unborn Children
For unborn children of pregnant women who are otherwise ineligible for coverage under Medicaid or CHIP may apply for the 599 CHIP Program.
There is no separate application for the program. Individuals who are interested in the 599 CHIP Program must first apply for Medicaid.
If you need more information about Kids Connection, you can call
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
(800) 383-4278
Nebraska Child Care Subsidy Program
Nebraska’s Child Care Subsidy Program assists low-income families with the cost of child care through subsidy, while they work, attend school, or both.
The program helps pay for child care for children under age 13 whose families earning less than 185% of the federal poverty level. For a family of three, that’s about $3,981 or less per month.
What is the income limit for child care assistance in Nebraska?
Families who are no longer income eligible for Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) may qualify for up to 24 months of “subsidized” child care under Transitional Child Care.
How do I apply for child care assistance in Nebraska?
The first step is to apply through Nebraska’s iServe and complete a phone interview. If you need help finding a child care provider, call (800) 892-4453.
Nebraska Special Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Nebraska WIC is a nutrition program for pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than 5 who are at health risk due to inadequate nutrition.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for WIC:
- Live in Nebraska.
- Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old.
- Have a household income less than 185% of the federal poverty limit.
- Have a nutritional need or risk.
WIC benefits are issued to WIC participants for the purchase of specific foods at WIC authorized local grocery stores throughout the state.
What is the income limit for WIC in Nebraska?
WIC is open to Nebraska families with a household income less than or equal to 185% of the federal poverty level. For example, a family of three could make up to $3,981 per month and still qualify.
1 | $27,861 | $2,322 | $536 |
2 | $37,814 | $3,151 | $727 |
3 | $47,767 | $3,981 | $919 |
4 | $57,720 | $4,810 | $1,110 |
5 | $67,673 | $5,639 | $1,301 |
6 | $77,626 | $6,469 | $1,493 |
7 | $87,579 | $7,298 | $1,684 |
8 | $97,532 | $8,128 | $1,876 |
How do I apply for WIC in Nebraska?
Nebraska WIC serves every county in the state with 13 main agencies and over 100 clinics statewide. Find the WIC clinic closest to your home to schedule an appointment. If you’re eligible, you will get WIC checks for food on the same day of your appointment.
Nebraska Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Nebraska LIHEAP helps eligible low-income Nebraska homeowners and renters in meeting the costs of home heating during winter and cooling during summer. Those with the lowest incomes and the highest cost for energy will get the most help paying their bills.
The heating season for LIHEAP begins October 1 and continues through March 31. Cooling assistance ends on August 31 or when funding is exhausted.
In addition to regular energy assistance, LIHEAP also provides home weatherization and year-round crisis assistance to households threatened with a utility shutoff or have received a shutoff notice.
How much does LIHEAP pay in Nebraska?
Eligible households will receive a one-time payment between $154 to $1,050 depending upon household size, income, type of dwelling, and fuel type.
How do I apply for energy assistance in Nebraska?
Apply online at iServe Nebraska. If you do not have Internet access, call (800) 383-4278 to obtain a paper application.
Nebraska Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.
Nebraska LIHWAP provides financial assistance to water utility providers for eligible households whose water utility services are disconnected or past due. The program is designed to cover both drinking water and wastewater.
Nebraskans eligible for LIHWAP benefits will have a one-time credit applied to their water utilities account. Depending on the household’s income and water needs, that credit will be between $50 and $500.
To be eligible for LIHWAP, the household’s gross monthly income must not exceed 150% of the poverty level. For a household of three, the income amount is $3,228.
What is the income limit for LIHWAP in Nebraska?
How do I get help with my water bill in Nebraska?
If you are in danger of falling behind on your water bills and need help, you may apply online or in-person at your local DHHS Office.
Nebraska Unemployment Insurance
Nebraska Unemployment Insurance (UI) provides temporary financial assistance to Nebraskans who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
To qualify for unemployment benefits in Nebraska, you must have earned at least $5,139 in the first four calendar quarters out of the last five prior to filing a claim.
How much do I get from unemployment in Nebraska?
Depending on how much you have earned in your highest paid quarter, you may receive up to $546 per week for a maximum of 26 weeks of unemployment benefits per year.
How do I file for unemployment in Nebraska online?
Before filing a new claim, you must register in Nebraska’s reemployment website, NEworks to complete a personal profile and online resumé, or if you do not have access to the internet, call the Nebraska Claims Center at (402) 458-2500.
Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG)
Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG) is the State of Nebraska’s only need-based financial aid program for postsecondary students who meet certain qualifications.
Eligibility is based on EFC and availability of funds. NOG is awarded on a first-come basis to those who have qualified for Pell Grants.
The NOG is awarded through postsecondary institutions within the state. Students must complete and submit the FAFSA no later than March 1 for priority consideration.