Find out how much assistance your family may receive in kentucky, based on your income.
The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in kentucky, including Medicaid.
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks is only available during the summer months of June, July, and August.
This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.
Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP)
Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP) which operates under federal TANF guidelines provides short-term financial assistance to low-income children under the age of 18 as well as the parents, or relatives, with whom the children are living.
Kentucky requires all adult K-TAP recipients to participate in work-related activities for a minimum number of hours per week, unless otherwise exempt.
How much can I get from KTAP in Kentucky?
The maximum monthly payment for the Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) depends on the number of children in the household.
In addition to the monetary grant, K-TAP recipients may also be eligible for other supportive services through the Kentucky Works Program or “KWP”.
How to apply for KTAP in Kentucky?
You may apply for KTAP online via Benefind or apply by calling (855) 306-8959 and speak with a caseworker.
Kentucky Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Kentucky SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) helps low-income people and families in Kentucky with cash assistance to buy the food they need for a nutritionally adequate diet.
Most families in KY with gross income up to 200% of the federal poverty level, about $4,303 a month for a family of three, qualify for SNAP benefits.
How much food stamps will I get in KY?
If you are approved for food stamps, how much in benefits you get partly depends on the number of people in your household. The monthly SNAP benefit for a family of three with no income in Kentucky is $768.
How do I apply for food stamps in Kentucky?
Eligibility pre-screening and online application are available at Kentucky’s Benefind. For more information, contact the local DCBS office in the county where you live or call (855) 306-8959 for assistance.
Kentucky Medicaid
Kentucky Medicaid guarantees coverage for basic health and long-term care services for eligible Kentuckians who have income and resources within the established guidelines.
Eligibility is divided into five categories:
- Children younger than 19;
- Pregnant women;
- Parents and Caretaker Relatives;
- Adults 19 - 64;
- Foster Care children 19 to 26 who do not receive Medicaid in another category.
Eligibility is determined by a number of factors, including family size, income, and the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
What is the income limit to qualify for Medicaid in Kentucky?
As Kentucky is expanding Medicaid coverage, Medicaid is now available to Kentuckians age between 19-64 with income up to 138% of the federal poverty level.
For example, single parents with two kids who make less than $35,632 a year can qualify for Kentucky Medicaid.
Children and pregnant women are eligible at higher income levels.
kentucky Medicaid | 142% | 218% | 138% |
1 | $21,385 | $32,831 | $20,783 |
2 | $29,025 | $44,559 | $28,207 |
3 | $36,664 | $56,288 | $35,632 |
4 | $44,304 | $68,016 | $43,056 |
5 | $51,944 | $79,744 | $50,480 |
6 | $59,583 | $91,473 | $57,905 |
7 | $67,223 | $103,201 | $65,329 |
8 | $74,862 | $114,930 | $72,754 |
Can I apply for KY Medicaid Online?
Kentucky is operating a State-Based Marketplace, known as Kynect — Kentucky’s Health Insurance Connection — through which you can apply for Medicaid, KCHIP or other health insurance online.
Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP)
Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP) is a health insurance program for children up to age 19 whose family income is above the Medicaid income limit.
KCHIP covers everything from checkups to prescriptions, from broken bones to booster shots, eyeglasses, hearing aids, dental care, hospital care, and among others.
Until now, Kentucky does not provide coverage for pregnant women through KCHIP. However, starting this year, pregnant women will be included in those eligible.
What is the maximum income to qualify for KCHIP in Kentucky?
In Kentucky, children under 19 qualify with income up to 218% of poverty or about $56,288 for a family of three.
How do I apply for CHIP in KY?
If you think your child is eligible, contact your local DCBS office, or call (877) KCHIP-18 (877-524-4718) for additional information.
Kentucky Special Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Kentucky WIC is a short-term intervention program designed to improve the health of nutritionally at-risk women, infants and children.
It does this by providing nutrition and health education, healthy food and other services, at no cost, to families who qualify. Authorized foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, cereal, milk, eggs, juice, peanut butter, cheese, beans, and baby food.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for WIC:
- Live in Kentucky.
- Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old.
- Have a household income less than 185% of the federal poverty limit.
- Have a nutritional need or risk.
What is the income limit for WIC in Kentucky?
WIC is open to Kentucky families with a household income less than or equal to 185% of the poverty level. That’s about $3,981 per month for a single mother of two.
1 | $27,861 | $2,322 | $536 |
2 | $37,814 | $3,151 | $727 |
3 | $47,767 | $3,981 | $919 |
4 | $57,720 | $4,810 | $1,110 |
5 | $67,673 | $5,639 | $1,301 |
6 | $77,626 | $6,469 | $1,493 |
7 | $87,579 | $7,298 | $1,684 |
8 | $97,532 | $8,128 | $1,876 |
How much does WIC pay per month in Kentucky?
Children ages 1—4 will now receive $26 per month, while pregnant and postpartum women receive $47 per month, and breastfeeding women receive $52 per month.
How do I apply for WIC in Kentucky?
To apply for WIC, contact the local health department serving your area. You will be asked to provide proper ID, proof of residence and information about your household income to help determine your eligibility.
Kentucky Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Kentucky Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps low-income families pay for child care while working or attending school or training or participate in K-TAP activities.
It provides financial assistance with payment for child care on a sliding fee basis for eligible families whose income is no more than the eligibility income threshold.
The program pays for part of the child care costs, and you co-pay for a portion based on the size of the family, the amount of your income, and the number of children in care.
What is the income limit for child care assistance in Kentucky?
A family in Kenctucky is considered “income eligible” when their gross monthly income is less than 85% of the State Median Income (SMI) at the time of initial application or about $5,730 a month for a family of three.
How do I apply for child care assistance in Kentucky?
Families who meet the eligibility requirements may apply for Kentucky CCAP online at or call (855) 306-8959 if you’d rather apply by phone.
Kentucky Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Kentucky LIHEAP assists eligible Kentucky residents and families with their heating and cooling costs through two different programs: Subsidy and Crisis. A third component to help with summer cooling costs is offered when funds are available.
The subsidy component operates in November and December to help residents at or below 150% of the federal poverty level, while the crisis component operates from early January until the middle of March, or until all funds are depleted.
What is the income limit for LIHEAP in KY?
LIHEAP is available in all Kentucky counties. Income eligibility for the program is up to and including 150% of the federal poverty guidelines.
How much does LIHEAP pay in Kentucky?
Eligible household will receive a fixed amount of $294 per year in seven monthly installments of $42 that are applied to the current bill.
How do I apply for LIHEAP in Kentucky?
Kentucky’s Community Action Network collectively operates outreach offices in all 120 Kentucky counties, with applications being accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through March 31, or until designated funds have been expended.
Applicants should apply in person at their local Community Action Agency outreach office.
To locate your local outreach office, please call
Kentucky Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.
Kentucky LIHWAP is a temporary emergency program designed to help low-income households and families who have fallen behind on their water and wastewater bills.
Kentuckians eligible for LIHWAP benefits will receive a one-time credit applied to their water utilities account. Depending on the household’s income and water needs, that credit will be between $50 and $1,200.
How do I get help with my water bill in Kentucky?
If you are struggling to pay your water or wastewater bills, you can submit your application through your local Community Action Agency along with a copy of your most recent utility bill.
Kentucky Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
As of January 31, 2022, applications are no longer being accepted for KHC’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV, also known as Section 8) Waiting List.
Kentucky offers a variety of rental assistance programs to assist very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled across Kentucky in securing affordable rental housing. The most common one is the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.
HCV is available only for tenants with incomes no greater than 80% of the area median income and tenants generally pay rent no more than 30% of their income.
If you are interested in applying for a voucher, contact Kentucky Housing Corporation or the HUD Office nearest to you.
Kentucky Housing Corporation
KHC now uses HCV RENTCafé for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) to provide online access to an array of key services for applicants, tenants, and landlords.
Kentucky Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)
If you are currently receiving housing assistance through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program administered by KHC, you are also eligible to participate in Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS).
The program helps participants learn new skills, achieve economic self-sufficiency, and even provides a means to save for a home of their own.
For more information about the FSS Program, please contact
Kentucky Housing Corporation Family Self-Sufficiency
(502) 564-7630
Kentucky HANDS Program
Kentucky’s Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) program is a voluntary home visitation program for any new or expectant parents during the prenatal period until the child is 3 years old.
Home visits take place weekly, beginning prenatally, until the child is 6 months old. The frequency of visits thereafter will be determined by the family’s level of need.
Any parent expecting a new baby and residing in Kentucky is eligible. Families must be enrolled during pregnancy or anytime before a child is 3 months old.
If you are interested in home visiting program, contact your local health department or call (502) 564-3756.
Kentucky Home Repair Program
Also known as the Section 504 Home Repair Program, Kentucky provides loans to very-low-income homeowners whose income is below 50% of the area median income.
Loans may be used to repair, improve or modernize homes or remove health and safety hazards — up to $20,000 repaid over 20 years at a fixed interest rate of 1%.
Repairs that may qualify include:
- Interior mechanicals, including HVAC, furnace, electrical, and plumbing
- Roof and gutters repair or replacement
- Other repairs that the program deems necessary
Section 504 also provides grants of up to $7,500 to elderly very-low-income homeowners, age 62 or older, who not be able to repay a repair loan.
For more information on Home Repair Program, please contact
Single Family Housing Staff
(859) 224-7322
Kentucky Unemployment Insurance
Kentucky Unemployment Insurance (UI) provides temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own that meet Kentucky’s eligibility requirements.
To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must:
- Be unemployed or working less than full-time.
- Be unemployed through no fault of your own.
- Be able to work, available for work, and looking for work.
- Have earned a minimum of $1,500 during the base period. As per Kentucky’s laws, the first four of the five completed quarters are identified as the base period.
How much is unemployment insurance in KY?
The maximum amount you may collect on unemployment in Kentucky is $694 per week for a period of 12 weeks. The minimum weekly benefit rate is $39.
How do I apply for unemployment benefits in Kentucky?
The KEWES internet claims system is accessible for filing an unemployment claim or requesting your bi-weekly check online. To request your bi-weekly benefit payment by phone call (877) 3MY-KYUI or (877) 369-5984.
Kentucky Tuition Grant
Kentucky Tuition Grant (KTG) provides need-based aid to help qualified Kentucky residents attend eligible private colleges and universities within the state.
Up to $3,300 is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to students with financial need as determined by FAFSA.
Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to file your FAFSA as soon after October 1 as possible for priority consideration.
Kentucky College Access Program Grant
Kentucky’s College Access Program (CAP) Grant is available for Kentucky’s financially needy students who are enrolled at least half-time at an approved college or university in Kentucky.
Eligible students may receive up to $2,500 at a two-year institution or $5,500 at a four-year institution. Eligible part-time students will receive an amount calculated on a per-credit-hour basis.
To be eligible for CAP, you must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis so early filing is encouraged.