Find out how much assistance your family may receive in oklahoma, based on your income.
The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in oklahoma, including Medicaid.
This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.
Oklahoma Earned Income Tax Credit
Oklahoma’s EITC is the little sister of the federal EITC — a tax credit designed to benefit low- and moderate-income working families and individuals.
The state of Oklahoma once allowed the EITC to be both non-refundable and refundable. However, for the 2016 filing year, Oklahoma’s EITC has been made non-refundable. In 2021, Oklahoma reversed this decision and restored refundability of the credit.
Qualifying taxpayers could now claim the credit to offset any taxes they owe, and use the credit to claim cash refund beyond their tax liability.
How much is Oklahoma Earned Income Credit?
Oklahoma Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Oklahoma TANF provides public assistance programs for eligible families with children under the age of 18, on a time-limited basis.
Among the program’s purposes are:
- to provide temporary assistance to needy families;
- to end dependency of needy parents by promoting job preparation and work.
As a result, TANF recipients are required to participate in work related activities for a specified number of hours per week.
How much does TANF pay in Oklahoma?
The amount of benefits is based on the family’s income. In Mississippi, cash benefits are limited to no more than $292 a month for a family of three.
How do I apply for TANF in Oklahoma?
To apply for TANF, you must submit completed form 08MP001 (Request for Benefits) to your local DHS Human Services Center near you. If help is needed, call (866) 411-1877 for assistance.
Oklahoma Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Oklahoma SNAP serves to improve the diets of low-income Oklahomans, regardless of age, by providing them with monthly food and nutrition assistance at no cost and serves as the first line of defense against hunger.
The benefit amount may vary from family to family according to household income and family size. For example, a family of three with no income may receive up to $768 or 468 each month if the family has a net monthly income of $1,000.
If deemed eligible, you’ll receive your benefits through the “Access Oklahoma EBT” card on the same day of each month you are eligible.
How do I apply for SNAP in Oklahoma?
You can apply for SNAP and other programs at any DHS office. If you have ever had a DHS case number, you can apply online at OKDHSLive!
Oklahoma Special Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Oklahoma WIC helps income eligible pregnant and breastfeeding women, new mothers, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at health risk due to inadequate nutrition.
It provides special checks or vouchers for buying healthy foods to supplement their diet. Other benefits include nutrition education, breastfeeding support, free screening and referral to health care.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for WIC:
- Live in Oklahoma.
- Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old.
- Have a household income less than 185% of the federal poverty limit.
- Have a nutritional need or risk.
What is the income limit for WIC in Oklahoma?
WIC is open to Oklahoma families with a household income less than or equal to 185% of the poverty level.
1 | $27,861 | $2,322 | $536 |
2 | $37,814 | $3,151 | $727 |
3 | $47,767 | $3,981 | $919 |
4 | $57,720 | $4,810 | $1,110 |
5 | $67,673 | $5,639 | $1,301 |
6 | $77,626 | $6,469 | $1,493 |
7 | $87,579 | $7,298 | $1,684 |
8 | $97,532 | $8,128 | $1,876 |
How do I apply for WIC in Oklahoma?
Use the online WIC enrollment request tool to set up your first WIC appointment to complete your eligibility determination and enrollment.
Oklahoma SoonerCare
SoonerCare, Oklahoma’s Medicaid program, guarantees coverage for basic health and long-term care services for eligible Oklahoma residents — mostly uninsured children under age 19, parents, and pregnant women.
SoonerCare is free for those who meet the income guidelines; however, co-pays may apply to some services.
Soon-to-be-Sooners are Oklahoma’s pregnancy-only benefits for women at 138% of the federal poverty level who are not enrolled in regular SoonerCare.
What is the income limit for SoonerCare Oklahoma?
As Oklahoma is expanding coverage, SoonerCare is now available to all adults age between 19-64 with incomes up to 138% of the poverty level. Children under age 19 and pregnant women are eligible at higher income levels.
oklahoma Medicaid | 210% | 210% | 138% |
1 | $31,626 | $31,626 | $20,783 |
2 | $42,924 | $42,924 | $28,207 |
3 | $54,222 | $54,222 | $35,632 |
4 | $65,520 | $65,520 | $43,056 |
5 | $76,818 | $76,818 | $50,480 |
6 | $88,116 | $88,116 | $57,905 |
7 | $99,414 | $99,414 | $65,329 |
8 | $110,712 | $110,712 | $72,754 |
How do I apply for SoonerCare online?
If you want to apply for health insurance for yourself and everyone in your immediate family who lives with you, you may do so online at apply.okhca.org.
You may also apply in person at your local OKDHS county office where the OKDHS workers will assist you in applying for SoonerCare benefits.
Oklahoma Child Care Assistance Program
Oklahoma Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) is available for children under age 13 or up to age 18 for children with special needs whose parent is either employed or enrolled in school.
The program pays for part of the child care costs, and you co-pay a portion based on the size of the family, the amount of your income, and the number of children in care.
What is the income limit for child care assistance in Oklahoma?
Families may qualify if their gross household income is equal to or less than $85% of the State Median Income (SMI). For a family of three, that’s about $5,356 per month.
How do I apply for child care assistance in Oklahoma?
Parents and guardians applying for subsidy for the first time may apply in person, by email or online at OKDHSLive.org, and select Child Care from the Key Information list.
Oklahoma Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Program
Oklahoma is one of three states in the nation to offer free voluntary pre-Kindergarten to all 4-year-olds in participating school districts.
Most of Oklahoma’s public school districts voluntarily offer half-day or full-day Pre-K classes. Tuition is free for the 4-year-old program.
By law, children must be at least four years of age, but not older than 5 years of age, on or before September 1st of the enrollment year.
Pre-K classes focus on:
- Increasing language and vocabulary skills
- Learning early literacy skills
- Interacting with age-appropriate technology
- Providing math and science experiences
- Exploring the world around them
- Promoting healthy habits
- Following directions
- Understanding rules and citizenship
- Creating and maintaining friendships
How do I apply for Pre-K in Oklahoma?
To apply for Oklahoma Pre-K, you need to complete an online application through your local school district, providing documents like your child’s birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency.
Districts usually have Pre-K enrollment in February or March for the upcoming school year. For accurate enrollment dates, please reach out to your local school district.
Oklahoma Housing Choice Voucher Program
OHFA’s Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed to new applicants. The waiting list is closed due to a lack of funding.
Oklahoma Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly called Section 8, is a federally funded State’s program which assists low income families in paying their rent and utilities. Eligible families will have part of their rent paid each month by the Oklahoma City Housing Authority.
Families determined eligible for the program will receive a Housing Choice Voucher to rent a unit of their choice within the Oklahoma City limits.
How do I apply for Section 8 in Oklahoma?
To apply for Section 8, you must register at portal.ochanet.org with a login and password then follow the directions to complete the on-line pre-application process.
Eligible pre-applications received through the portal will be entered on the waiting list in the order received. When the voucher is issued, you have 60 days to locate a suitable unit.
Oklahoma Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Oklahoma LIHEAP provides eligible low-income Oklahoma households with winter heating bill assistance when utility bills are highest. The program also pays for summer cooling assistance during the summer months
LIHEAP is offered two times a year for winter heating and summer cooling, until the state runs out of money. Eligibility is based on a household’s total income, household size, dwelling type, and type of heating fuel, among others.
What is the income limit for LIHEAP in Oklahoma?
Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP)
Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) is also available to provide help for families who have received utility cut-off notices. Energy crisis assistance for households with a life-threatening situation is accepted year round.
To be eligible for the program, a utility provider must verify that a household has an active cut-off notice on the day of applying for ECAP.
How do I apply for LIHEAP in Oklahoma?
During open enrollment you can apply online at OKDHSLive.org. If you do not have computer access, call (405) 522-5050 for assistance. You may be asked to provide some verification documents to determine eligibility for utility assistance.
Oklahoma Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.
Oklahoma LIHWAP is a temporary emergency program designed to help low-income households and families who have fallen behind on their water and wastewater bills.
Oklahomans eligible for LIHWAP benefits will have a one-time credit applied to their water utilities account. Depending on the household’s income and water needs, that credit will be between $80 and $750.
Twenty-two tribes in Oklahoma are also providing LIHWAP benefits, each with its own independent process for determining eligibility.
How can I get help with my water bill in Oklahoma?
If you are struggling to pay your water or wastewater bills, you can submit your application for LIHWAP through OKDHSLive.org along with a copy of your most recent utility bill.
Oklahoma Unemployment Insurance
Oklahoma Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a program of social insurance that provides a temporary source of income for Oklahomans unemployed through no fault of their own — up to a maximum of $539 per week.
To qualify for unemployment benefits in Oklahoma, you must meet the following criteria to be eligible.
- You are unemployed through no fault of your own.
- You are able and available to seek and accept work.
- You earned a minimum of $1,500 from a covered employer during your base period — the first 12 months of the 15 months prior to filing a claim.
As a condition of eligibility, you are also required to register for employment services at OKJobMatch.com within seven (7) days of filing your initial claim.
How do I file for unemployment online in Oklahoma?
You can apply by telephone or by using the Internet. To file over the Internet, just go to Oklahoma Internet Claim System to file your claim for benefits.
To file by telephone, call (405) 525-1500 if you live within the metropolitan calling area of Oklahoma City or (800) 555-1554 if you live anywhere outside.
Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants (OTAG)
Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants (OTAG) is a grant offered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to residents of Oklahoma who attend Oklahoma’s public and private colleges and universities.
The current maximum annual award is the lesser of 75 percent of enrollment costs or up to $1,500 for students attending public colleges, universities or career technology centers, and $2,000 for students attending eligible private colleges or universities.
Application is made through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available through the financial aid office at the college you are planning to attend.
Oklahoma Promise
Oklahoma PROMISE allows students in the 8th through 10th grades whose parents earning less than $60,000 in income apply for free college tuition. A higher income limit will be applied for larger families.
The award amount is determined annually by the Oklahoma State Regents — the amount of which depends upon the type of institution attended and the number of hours in which the student enrolls.
Application for Oklahoma PROMISE is available online. For more information, call the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s information hotline at (800) 858-1840.
Oklahoma Single Parent Scholarship
Low-income single parents attending college in Oklahoma or Cleveland counties may be eligible to apply for Oklahoma Single Parent Scholarship.
Students are awarded $1,200 per semester, and must be the primary custodian for a minor child, take at least 12 hours per semester, maintain a GPA of 2.0 and be eligible to receive federal Pell Grant.
Applications and other information about the free scholarship are available at the OSPSP website, www.okspsp.org.