Wisconsin Works (W-2)

W-2 is one of Wisconsin’s time-limited work-based programs available to low-income parents and pregnant women who meet eligibility requirements.

The primary goal of the Wisconsin Works (W-2) is self sufficiency. The program offers W-2 participants cash payments of up to $653 a month for participating in job training and employment programs.

W-2 is not an entitlement. You are required by law to participate in work, or activities to help you get ready to work, in exchange for cash assistance.

W-2, commonly knowns as TANF, provides:

  • Help in finding a job;
  • Work experience, through supervised worksites;
  • Vocational education and training;
  • Case management services;
  • Assistance with searching for housing, child care, and employment; and
  • Assistance applying for SSI/SSDI.

Under the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program, Wisconsin also provides temporary cash assistance to refugees during their first eight months in the United States.

If a refugee family has children under the age of 18, they may be eligible for Wisconsin Works (W-2) or SSI, if they are aged, blind, or disabled.


How to qualify for W-2?

To qualify for Wisconsin Works (W-2) in Wisconsin, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen, legal alient or a lawful permanent resident.
  2. Be a resident of the state of Wisconsin.
  3. Be unemployed or under employed (working for very low wages).
  4. Be pregnant or have a child under age 19.
  5. Meet income limit guidelines.

What is the income limit for W-2 in Wisconsin?

Parents with children whose family income is under 115% of the poverty level are eligible. The current income limit for a family of three is $2,474 per month.

Family Size
Income Limit

If your children don’t live with you, Wisconsin offers Noncustodial Parent Services to help low-income noncustodial parents become self-sufficient and able to pay child support.

How much is W-2 in Wisconsin?

How much W-2 money you get in Wisconsin largely depends upon your family’s income and size. For example, a family of three in Wisconsin with little or no income is eligible to receive up to $653 each month.

How do I apply for W-2 in Wisconsin?

Application for W-2 can be made in person at the local W-2 Agency or online via ACCESS website. An interactive interview is also provided at the ACCESS website to help you determine if you might be eligible for W-2.

Here’s a checklist of what to bring when you apply for W-2 in person.