Find out how much assistance your family may receive in maryland, based on your income.
The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in maryland, including Medicaid.
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks is only available during the summer months of June, July, and August.
This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.
Maryland Earned Income Tax Credit
EITC plays an important role in keeping working families — particularly single mothers — out of poverty. Along with the federal credit, the state of Maryland offers taxpayers its own version of the credit.
Maryland’s current credit is 28% of the federal credit for families with children and a non-refundable EITC set at 50% of the federal credit.
In effect, taxpayers may claim either the refundable credit or the non-refundable credit, but not both.
How much is Maryland Earned Income Credit?
And for single people without dependents, who qualify for much smaller refunds under the EITC, Maryland’s match has been expanded to 100% of the federal credit, up to $530.
What is the Montgomery County refundable EITC?
Montgomery County, a large suburban county neighboring the District of Columbia, is one of three counties to offer a local EITC, called Working Families Income Supplement, in addition to the state credit.
Montgomery County residents who file a Maryland income tax return are automatically considered for this credit – no extra filing or form is required.
Eligible families that filed for the EITC receive a county credit equal to 100% of the state’s refundable credit. For example, if the State refunds $100, the County will add an additional $100.
Maryland Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) is a time-limited cash assistance program that assists families with dependent children who could not afford even basic necessities. The goal is to prepare them for independence through work.
Maryland’s TCA pays up to a maximum of $624 per month for eligible families of three — up to the lifetime limit of 60 months.
How do I apply for TANF in Maryland?
Apply in person at your local DSS office or you may also file an application online at myMDTHINK — a web-based screening and application tool for all Marylanders to apply for benefits.
Maryland Welfare Avoidance Grant
Maryland operates a diversion program — the Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG) where eligible families receive a one-time lump sum payment instead of monthly TCA benefits.
A family cannot apply for a WAG.
In most cases, the case manager assesses eligibility for a WAG as part of the TCA assessment process at application, interim change, and redetermination.
Maryland Food Supplement Program
Food Supplement Program (FSP), formerly referred to as food stamps, helps low-income individuals and families in Maryland buy the food they need for healthy eating.
As a condition of eligibility, all adults ages 18—54 who are not otherwise exempt must register for work, accept an offer of suitable work, and take part in an employment and training program.
Eligibility is based on gross income up to 200% of the poverty level. For example, a household of three qualifies for the program if it has a gross monthly income of $4,303 or less.
How do I apply for food stamps in MD?
File an application with your local DSS office or go to myMDTHINK to apply online. If you qualify for FSP, you’ll receive your benefits no later than 30 days.
Maryland Medicaid
Under the ACA, Maryland expanded Medicaid to nearly all adults under age 6 with income at or below 138% of the federal poverty level, or about $35,632 annually for a family of three. Children and pregnant women are eligible at higher limits.
Starting July 1, 2023, Medicaid will provide health coverage to pregnant and postpartum individuals regardless of their immigration status. Coverage will last for 12 months after pregnancy.
What is the income limit for Medicaid in Maryland?
maryland Medicaid | 211% | 264% | 138% |
1 | $31,777 | $39,758 | $20,783 |
2 | $43,128 | $53,962 | $28,207 |
3 | $54,480 | $68,165 | $35,632 |
4 | $65,832 | $82,368 | $43,056 |
5 | $77,184 | $96,571 | $50,480 |
6 | $88,536 | $110,774 | $57,905 |
7 | $99,887 | $124,978 | $65,329 |
8 | $111,239 | $139,181 | $72,754 |
How do I apply for Medicaid in Maryland?
Maryland Health Connection, along with the “Enroll MHC” mobile app, is the state’s health insurance marketplace for all Marylanders to enroll in Medicaid, MCHP and other health coverage.
If you don’t qualify for Medicaid, you can always shop for reduced-cost coverage through the Marketplace where you can compare different plans before you make a choice.
Maryland Health Connection
(855) 642-8572
Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP)
Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) gives full health benefits for uninsured children up to age 19 who meet the income guidelines.
MCHP is free for children under age 19 whose countable income is up to 211% of the federal poverty. Uninsured children younger than 19 whose family income exceeds the MCHP guidelines qualify for MCHP Premium.
How much is MCHP premium in Maryland?
As of May 1, 2024, Maryland Medicaid has ended premium payments for this program. This means that children enrolled in MCHP no longer need to pay a monthly premium.
How do I apply for MCHP in Maryland?
You can apply for MCHP through Maryland Health Connection or “Enroll MHC” mobile app. If you or your child is found eligible for MCHP, you can select a plan right away.
Maryland Child Care Scholarship (CCS) Program
Maryland’s Child Care Scholarship (CCS) Program provides financial assistance with child care costs to eligible working families in Maryland.
Eligible families receive a 52-week scholarship from the local department of social services to take to the provider of their choice. The subsidy is paid bi-weekly directly to the provider and the remaining cost is co-paid by the recipient.
Families already receiving Temporary Cash Assistance and/or Supplemental Security Income will have a $0 co-payment.
What is the income limit for child care assistance in Maryland?
A family is considered “income eligible” when their gross monthly income is at or below 75% of the State Median Income (SMI) at the time of initial application or $7,836 a month for a family of three, with one parent and two children.
How do I apply for child care assistance in Maryland?
To apply for a Child Care Scholarship, you must submit an application through the Child Care Scholarship Family Portal along with proof of wages and residency.
Child Care Scholarship (CCS) Central
(877) 227-0125
Maryland SUN Bucks
SUN Bucks, also known as Summer EBT, helps families with school-aged children who receive free or reduced-price meals buy groceries in the summer months when schools are closed.
Eligible families will receive $40 per qualifying child each month for June, July, and August, totaling $120 per child over the summer.
SUN Bucks can be used to purchase the same foods approved for SNAP, including
- Breads and cereals
- Fruits and vegetables
- Meats, fish and poultry
- Dairy products
- Seeds and plants which produce food for the household to eat
- Soft drinks, candy, cookies, snack crackers and ice cream
- Seafood, steak and bakery cakes
Most families will automatically get EBT benefits if they already receive other benefits like SNAP, TCA or Medicaid with a qualifying family income.
To find out whether your child will be automatically enrolled or if you need to apply, use this eligibility checker or go to myMDTHINK to apply online.
Maryland SUN Bucks
Maryland Summer Food Service Program
Administered by the Maryland State Dept. of Education (MDSE), the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a program that helps children receive free, nutritious meal throughout the summer months when school is not in session.
It is open to children under the age of 18 but those who participate in other benefit programs, such as the SNAP, Medicaid or TANF are automatically eligible.
To see if your child is eligible to participate in the program, please call (410) 767-0199 or dial 2-1-1 to locate the closest summer meals site.
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) helps pay winter heating or summer cooling costs for low-income households, particularly those from the lower income bracket that pay a high proportion of their income for home energy.
Eligible households may receive a one-time credit of up to $750. Households with the elderly or disabled or a young child under age 5 are given priority consideration.
What is the income limit for Maryland energy assistance?
LIHEAP serves those with a household income of no more than 60% of the State Median Income (SMI). That’s about $6,268 per month for a family of three.
How do I apply for energy assistance in Maryland?
To apply for MEAP, contact the Local Home Energy Programs Office in your area or call (800) 352-1446. Applications are accepted at any time during the year.
Utility Service Protection Program (USPP)
Households who qualify for MEAP can also sign up for the Utility Service Protection Program (USPP), which can help protect families from utility cut-offs during the heating season.
Eligible households are required to enter into a year-round, even monthly payment program with their utility company.
Maryland DHS Office of Home Energy Programs
(800) 332-6347
Maryland Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.
Maryland LIHWAP is a temporary emergency program designed to help low-income households and families who are 30 days or more past due on their water and wastewater bills.
Households that meet the MEAP income eligibility requirements are also deemed as categorically income-eligible for LIHWAP assistance. Typically, eligibility is based on families and individuals earning 60% of the state median income level.
How do I get help with my water bill in Maryland?
If you are in danger of falling behind on your water bills and need help, you may submit your application online at MDTHINK and upload all of your documents along with your application.
LIHWAP funding is limited and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Maryland Renters’ Tax Credit Program
Modeled after the Homeowners’ Tax Credit Program, which is known to many as the Circuit Breaker Program, the Renters’ Tax Credit Program provides property tax credits for renters who meet certain requirements.
The program provides financial assistance of up to $1,000 per year for low-income renters to help account for the sky-rocketing cost of rent in Maryland.
To request an application or to schedule a phone appointment, call
SOAR Financial Counselor
(443) 961-6220
Maryland Unemployment Insurance
Maryland Unemployment Insurance (UI) provides benefits to persons who are unemployed through no fault of their own and who are ready, willing and able to work, and actively seeking work.
The current weekly benefit amount provided by the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law ranges from a minimum of $50 to a maximum of $430 per week.
To qualify for unemployment benefits in Maryland, you must have earned at least $1,176 in the highest paid quarter of the base period.
How do I apply for unemployment in MD?
If you are unemployed, file your claim as soon as possible, as your eligibility begins the week in which you file your claim.
Claims may be filed by telephone at (667) 207-6520 or you may choose to file your claim online through Maryland’s BEACON claimant portal.
Howard P. Rawlings Guaranteed Access (GA) Grant
Funded by the state of Maryland, the Rawlings Guaranteed Access Grant offers eligible Maryland students financial aid that may cover up to $22,100 of full-time college tuition at any public or private college or university in Maryland.
Initial recipients of the GA must have an annual total family income of 130% or less of the federal poverty level for the prior-prior tax year. For the 2025—2026 academic year, this would be the 2023 tax year poverty guidelines.
To be considered for a Guaranteed Access Grant, you must complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) no later than June 1 or by March 15 for priority consideration.
Howard P. Rawlings Educational Assistance (EA) Grant
Like the GA Grant, Educational Assistance (EA) Grant is a need-based award but less generous than the GA — the minimum annual award amount is $400 and the maximum award is $3,000. As fund is limited, those with the lowest SAI are awarded first.
The actual amount is determined by a set formula reflecting the cost of college attendance, Student Aid Index (SAI), state scholarships awarded and Pell Grant funding received.