STATECaliforniaTribal TANF

California Tribal TANF

Tribal TANF is an assistance program for American Indians and Alaska Natives which provides cash aid and supportive services to eligible needy children and families.

The California Tribal TANF Program’s purpose is to assist the Indian Tribes of California achieve self-sufficiency through education, career development, training, employment and temporary financial assistance.

Across California, there are 16 tribal TANF programs serving a range of counties, including: Humboldt, Tulare, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

Tribal TANF provides a number of supportive services to eligible families and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis depending on the identified need of the family.

These may include but not limited to:

  1. Monthly cash assistance
  2. Stipend for child care costs
  3. Emergency food assistance
  4. Utility expenses
  5. Housing and emergency shelter expenses
  6. Job search assistance
  7. On the job training
  8. Teen pregnancy prevention and education
  9. Referrals to other agencies and organizations

In order to be eligible for the Tribal TANF program, you must be a member of one of the federally-recognized Indian tribes with countable income of equal to or less than 200% of the federal poverty level.

Families with children who are members of any of the participating tribes can receive the same services as any other California resident seeking CalWORKS benefits.

As a condition of eligibility, Tribal TANF participants are required to work or participate in work related activities for the minimum number of hours per week.

A single parent with a child under one year of age may choose to be exempted from any work requirements until the child reaches one year of age.

For information on how to apply for Tribal TANF, contact
CalWORKs Eligibility Bureau
Tribal TANF Unit
(916) 654-1322