

Find out how much assistance your family may receive in connecticut, based on your income.


The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in connecticut, including Medicaid.

Summer EBT/SUN Bucks is only available during the summer months of June, July, and August.


This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.


Connecticut Earned Income Tax Credit

Connecticut EITC took effect in tax year 2011 and in the following years since, hundreds of thousands of Connecticut’s working families have benefited from the credit.

The state EITC program, layered on top of the federal credit, can only be claimed by people who earn income through work.

The refundable tax credit — currently set at 40% of federal EITC — is among the state’s most sensible and effective tools for helping working families struggling to get by on low wages.

3 or more

Eligibility for the EITC is tied both to income and household size and it’s fully refundable, so even if you owe no income tax, you can still claim the full credit amount.

Connecticut Temporary Family Assistance (TFA)

Connecticut’s Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) provides monthly cash and employment assistance to eligible families throughout Connecticut to support basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing.

Unless otherwise exempt, most families with children in Connecticut are now eligible for 36 months of cash benefits and are required to participate in Jobs First Employment Services activities, coordinated by the Department of Labor.

TFA recipients may also be eligible for medical assistance under the Husky program, specifically, Husky A, which provides medical coverage under Medicaid.

How much cash assistance will I get in CT?

Connecticut has different benefit levels based on geographic location. The cash assistance for a family of three with no income in the most populous region is $833 per month.

Family Size

How do I apply for cash assistance in CT?

You may pre-screen your eligibility at ConneCT, under “Am I Eligible,” or apply for TFA online, under “Apply for Benefits.”

For more information about Connecticut TFA, please call
DSS Client Information Line & Benefits Center
(855) 626-6632

Connecticut Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Connecticut SNAP is a nutrition program that helps individuals and families with little or no income buy and eat healthy food.

If deemed eligible, you will receive an electronic EBT card that is preloaded monthly with cash benefits. The card can be used to purchase food from local grocery stores.

What is the income limit for SNAP in Connecticut?

Under the new eligibility levels, you may qualify for SNAP if your gross monthly income is less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level. That’s about 4,303 a month for a family of three.

Family Size
Income Limit
Gross income limit applies to most households, except those in which at least one person is 60 years of age or older, or receives disability income.

How do I sign up for SNAP in CT?

You may apply for SNAP online at ConneCT under “Apply for Benefits” or if you prefer, you can fill out the application for SNAP at your local DSS office.

DSS Client Information Line & Benefits Center
(855) 626-6632

Connecticut Special Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Connecticut WIC serves women, infants and children up to age 5 who meet WIC eligibility guidelines; and are determined by a health professional to be “at risk of malnutrition”.

It provides monthly benefits for buying healthy foods to supplement their diet. Other benefits include nutrition education, breastfeeding support, free screening and referral to health care, at no cost.

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for WIC:

  1. Live in Connecticut.
  2. Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old.
  3. Have a household income less than 185% of the federal poverty limit.
  4. Have a nutritional need or risk.

What is the income limit for WIC in Connecticut?

To qualify for WIC, you must be a resident of the state of Connecticut with income at or below 185% of the national poverty level. That’s about $3,981 a month for a family of three.


How do I apply for WIC in CT?

If you are currently not a WIC participant but are looking to apply, please fill out the online Interest Form to begin your application process or apply in person at the local WIC office closest to you.

For more information, contact

State WIC Program
(800) 741-2142

Connecticut HUSKY Health

The Healthcare for UninSured Kids and Youth (HUSKY) is Connecticut’s public health insurance program for children under age 19 and in some cases their parents or relative caregivers.

There are four (4) types of HUSKY plans, HUSKY A — D, that together provide health care coverage to more than 950,000 Connecticut residents.

HUSKY A, B, and D together are a health insurance program for Connecticut’s children, pregnant women, certain low-income parents and caretaker relatives, and a number of low-income adults. Husky C is Medicaid for the “aged, blind or disabled”.

What are the income requirements for HUSKY in CT?

Starting on October 1, 2024, the eligibility income guideline for Husky A for Parents and Caregivers will drop to 138% from 160% of the federal poverty level. For a family of three, this lowers the income limit from $41,312 per year to $35,632.

connecticut Medicaid 201% 263% 138%
A 5% disregard based on the federal poverty level (FPL) for the household size is applied and is reflected in the amounts shown above.

Connecticut is operating a State-Based Marketplace, known as Access Health CT, through which you can screen for, apply for, and enroll in Medicaid or other private health insurance.

Access Health CT will have a single application that will be used to determine most Medicaid and CHIP eligibility, except for HUSKY C.

Covered Connecticut

For families whose incomes are just above the limit for HUSKY Health and have not had access to affordable coverage in the past may qualify for a zero-premium, no cost-share coverage plan under Covered Connecticut (Covered CT).

Covered CT provides free health care coverage including dental care and non-emergency medical transportation benefits, to eligible adults and families within a specific income range.

What is the income limit for Covered CT?

Find out if you are eligible for a $0 monthly payment by completing an application at Access Health CT or call 855-805-4325 for free online help.

Connecticut Care 4 Kids

Connecticut Care 4 Kids (C4K) helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs. Since it is a subsidy, parents are expected to pay for some of the child care costs — known as Family Fee.

Eligibility is based on household income and family size. Families with incomes not exceeding 60% of the State Median Income (SMI) at the time of initial application are eligible for assistance. That’s about $6,126 a month for a family of three.

Family Size
Income Limit

How do I apply for child care assistance in Connecticut?

Families are encouraged to apply for Care 4 Kids using the online application portal for faster processing,

or fill out a Care 4 Kids Application, attach required documentation, and mail it to

Care 4 Kids
1344 Silas Deane Highway
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

If you have any questions or need help, call (888) 214-5437.

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to help offset the winter heating costs of Connecticut’s lower income households, specifically those with incomes at or below 60% of the state median income or $6,126 a month for a family of three.

The income standard is lower at 150% of poverty guidelines if that household also participates in certain other state aid, such as food stamps or Temporary Family Assistance.

Minimum basic benefit level is $180 for CEAP households, up to $530 in winter heating assistance for “vulnerable” households with one or more members who are elderly, or who have a disability, or are under the age of 6.

What is the income limit for energy assistance in Connecticut?

Eligibility for CEAP is determined by gross annual income and household size. Any household with a gross annual income at or below 60% of the state median income is eligible.

Family Size
Income Limit
LIHEAP Income Guidelines for FY25, which is October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.

How do I apply for energy assistance in CT?

Applications for CEAP are now being accepted at Community Action Agencies intake sites throughout the state. Call (800) 842-1132 for contact information on the intake site nearest you.

Households eligible for CEAP may also be eligible to receive Weatherization Assistance to help conserve energy and lower heating bills.

The statewide Community Action Agency (CAA) network and Local Non-Profits operate the Weatherization Assistance Program. If you are interested in the program, ask for a Weatherization Card or Referral Form when you apply for CEAP.

Connecticut Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.

Connecticut LIHWAP provides financial relief to low-income families for water and wastewater bills to avoid shutoffs or disconnections. Priority is given to households with the elderly, disabled or a young child under age 6.

Eligible households with annual income at or below 60% of the state median income can qualify for up to $1,000 in water assistance if they have disconnected service or are behind on bills.

How do I get help paying my water bill in Connecticut?

If your water has been disconnected or face disconnection, submit your application to your regional Community Action Agency along with a copy of your current water/wastewater bill.

Connecticut Rental Assistance Program (RAP)

Connecticut’s Rental Assistance Program (RAP) is open to very-low-income families in Connecticut whose incomes must not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which the family chooses to live.

Most families pay 40% of their monthly income on rent and utilities, while families with elderly and disabled pay 30% of their monthly income. The rest of the rent is paid with federal money.

The RAP waiting list is currently closed. However, you can register here to receive an automatic email notification when it reopens for new application.

Undocumented migrants may also apply for rental assistance by contacting the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI) at (203) 612-5464.


UniteCT program has been paused and is not taking new applications at this time.

UniteCT is designed to provide rental and electricity payment assistance to qualified Connecticut households financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible individuals and households may receive up to $15,000 in funding to pay for rental arrears and prospective rent assistance; and up to $1,500 in electric utility arrearages.

Both tenants and landlords who meet the income guidelines may apply for UniteCT via Yardi — where you can start your application, submit, and check your progress all in one application portal.

If you need further assistance, please call (844) 864-8328

Connecticut Paid Family Leave

Connecticut is the seventh state in the U.S. to offer 12 paid weeks of paid leave to care for a new baby or sick family members, plus an additional two weeks of benefits for complicated pregnancies.

Connecticut guarantees 95% of their earnings but limited to no more than 60 times the minimum wage. To be eligible for leave, an employee needs to be employed for at least three (3) consecutive months.

How much is paid family leave in CT?

Currently the maximum weekly benefit is $940. To figure out how much you might earn in paid family leave benefits, please refer to this page to calculate your potential payments.

Connecticut Unemployment Insurance

Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) provides temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own. In Connecticut, receipt of benefits is limited to no more than 26 weeks.

As a condition of eligibility, you are required to actively seek suitable employment each week that you are collecting benefits. Failure to provide information could result in a denial of unemployment benefits for that week.

How much unemployment will I get in CT?

Connecticut’s current maximum UI weekly benefit rate is $721. In addition, a parent may be eligible for a dependency allowance of $15 weekly for each child under the age of 18, up to a maximum of $75 per week.

How do I file my weekly unemployment claim in CT?

Claims for weekly benefits may be filed online or call (800) 942-6653 if you wish to file your initial claim over the phone, available from 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Roberta B. Willis Scholarship

The new Roberta B. Willis Scholarship (formerly the Governor’s Scholarship) establishes a single, consolidated aid program for residents who are undergraduates at in-state public and private institutions of higher education in Connecticut.

The Roberta B. Willis Scholarship Program (RWSP) is comprised of two kinds of scholarships:

  1. a need-merit scholarship
  2. a need-based grant

How much is the Roberta B Willis Scholarship?

Students who demonstrate financial need will be awarded up to $4,500 per academic year for full-time attendance in a 4-year program or up to $5,250 in need-merit scholarship for those with high academic achievement.