Find out how much assistance your family may receive in utah, based on your income.
The benefits listed below are estimates of what a single-parent family of two with no income per month can expect to receive in utah, including Medicaid.
This is an unofficial benefits estimator and not an application. No personal data is collected or stored. Actual amounts may vary based on individual circumstances, location, eligibility criteria, and recent data updates at the time of application.
Utah Family Employment Program
Utah’s Family Employment Program (FEP) is the TANF funded cash assistance program in Utah. The purpose is to offer unemployed and underemployed families, opportunities to increase their income through employment and cash support.
The FEP is a temporary cash assistance program that provides up to 36 months of financial support to a family within a lifetime.
It is designed to serve both single-parent and two-parent families with children under 18 living with them, as well as pregnant women in their third trimester who meet income guidelines.
How much cash assistance can I get in Utah?
The maximum amount of TANF cash assistance a family can expect to receive in Utah largely depends on the household size and gross income.
The law, however, requires all FEP recipients to participate in employment related activities, usually at least 30 hours a week or 20 hours per week if the parent has a child under age 6.
How do I apply for cash assistance in Utah?
First you need to download a copy of the TANF eligibility form and submit it to the nearest DWS employment center. A face-to-face interview will then be scheduled to screen your eligibility.
Utah Food Stamp Program
Utah Food Stamp Program (SNAP) serves as the first line of defense against hunger for Utah residents. It provides monthly benefits to eligible families to buy an adequate supply of nutritious food through an EBT card known as the Utah Horizon Card.
Anyone may apply for food stamp benefits but the program is designed to help those who need food assistance most — low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Student between ages of 18 and 49 may be able to receive SNAP if they meet certain requirements.
What is the income limit for SNAP in Utah?
Most families in Utah with gross income up to 130% of the federal poverty level, about $2,797 a month for a family of three, qualify for SNAP.
How do I apply for food stamps in Utah?
You can apply for SNAP online or in person at any of the employment center near you. If you are eligible, you will be able to access your SNAP benefits no later than 30 days.
Utah Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Utah has long had some of the least accessible child care in the country and it’s becoming prohibitively expensive for many families.
In light of this, Utah’s Child Care Assistance Program helps parents offset the cost of child care. Specific income limits and work requirements must be met.
The amount of potential subsidy, paid directly to providers, is determined based upon the age of the child and the type of provider.
To qualify for child care assistance in Utah, you must:
- Be a parent, foster parent, approved relative, or legal guardian of the child
- Work at least 15 hours per week
- Meet income eligibility requirements
- Need child care for employment or approved school or training activities
What is the income limit for child care assistance in Utah?
Families with income not exceeding 85% of the state median income level are eligible as long as they are employed or enrolled in a training program. That’s about $6,637 a month for a family of three.
How do I apply for child care assistance in Utah?
Families can apply for child care assistance online at Utah’s myCase. Once approved for Child Care, the payment is sent directly to the selected provider.
Eligibility Services Division
(866) 435-7414
Utah Kids In Care
Unemployed parents may be eligible for enrollment in the Kids in Care program. The program offers child care assistance for eligible parents while they look for a new job.
How it works
- Parents may receive up to 150 hours of assistance in a 6-month period while searching for a job
- The program reimburses licensed child care providers directly for hours used after approval
This program is provided by Office of Child Care and is available to residents of any county in Utah. If you would like more information on the Kids in Care program, please call
Children’s Service Society of Utah
Utah Medicaid
Utah Medicaid offers free health care coverage for Utah low-income residents who meet the program’s eligibility requirements.
This mostly includes children under age 18, pregnant women, disabled adults, seniors as well as women with breast or cervical cancer.
What is the income limit for Medicaid in Utah?
As Utah has fully expanded Medicaid coverage in 2020, parents with incomes up to 138% of poverty are now eligible for Medicaid. That’s about $35,632 for a family of three.
Coverage is also available for pregnant women and children age 0-5 in families with income up to 144% of poverty level.
utah Medicaid | 144% | 144% | 138% |
1 | $21,686 | $21,686 | $20,783 |
2 | $29,434 | $29,434 | $28,207 |
3 | $37,181 | $37,181 | $35,632 |
4 | $44,928 | $44,928 | $43,056 |
5 | $52,675 | $52,675 | $50,480 |
6 | $60,422 | $60,422 | $57,905 |
7 | $68,170 | $68,170 | $65,329 |
8 | $75,917 | $75,917 | $72,754 |
The state’s Medicaid expansion includes a work requirement that requires applicants to complete 48 job searches in the first 90 days of their Medicaid eligibility, but it was suspended in April 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
How do I apply for Medicaid in Utah?
For your convenience, you may now apply for Medicaid and CHIP online at jobs.utah.gov/mycase or in person at any Department of Workforce Services (DWS) office near you.
For answers to your questions on how to apply, please call the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) at the numbers listed below.
Utah Children’s Health Insurance Program
Utah CHIP is a state health insurance plan for uninsured children from birth through age 18 who do not qualify for Medicaid. Once approved, CHIP covers well-child exams, immunizations, dental care, hearing and eye exams, and more.
Most people on CHIP are required to pay premiums and co-pays every quarter and in Utah, cost-sharing is limited to 5% of the family’s annual income.
Depending on your income, you may pay up to $75 per family for each quarter. American Indians do not have to pay premiums or co-pays for services.
What is the income limit for CHIP in Utah?
CHIP is available to the children in families with incomes up to at least 205% of the poverty level. That’s about $52,931 for a family of three to qualify.
How do I apply for CHIP in Utah?
CHIP is now accepting applications year-round via jobs.utah.gov/mycase You may also contact your eligibility office by calling (866) 435-7414.
Utah Housing Choice Voucher Program
The Housing Authority of Utah County provides vouchers to Utah’s low-income families to help them afford decent and safe housing. Priority is given to extremely low-income families with children.
In general, families and individuals with income levels in excess of the 50% of the area median income as established by HUD do not qualify for Section 8 rental subsidy.
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program in Utah may be open in some areas, but waitlists can be long. Applications can be submitted online or in person at
The Housing Authority of Utah County, Income Limits for Section 8 Programs.
240 East Center Street
Provo, Utah 84606
(801) 373-8333
The Housing Authority of Utah County assists with rent in Utah County, outside of Provo. For assistance within the city of Provo, contact
Provo City Housing Authority
(801) 852-7080.
Utah Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Program
The H.E.A.T. program is Utah’s version of the federal LIHEAP program that provides year-round utility assistance to eligible low-income households throughout Utah.
Applications are normally accepted from November 1 through September 30 of each year. Eligible households may receive a one-time credit of up to $850.
Priority is given to those who are truly vulnerable — the lowest-income households with the highest heating costs, the disabled, elderly, and families with with children under the age of six.
What is the income limit for HEAT in UTAH?
Utah utilizes 150% of the federal poverty level as the maximum income limit allowed in determining HEAT eligibility. That’s about $3,228 a month for a family of three.
How do I get HEAT assistance in Utah?
HEAT provides year-round heating and cooling assistance. To apply for HEAT Assistance, please call (866) 205-4357.
If you are in danger of shut-off, you may contact your local HEAT office for crisis assistance.
Utah Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
NOTICE: Funding is no longer available for LIHWAP. Households may not receive LIHWAP benefits at this time.
Utah LIHWAP, closely models LIHEAP, provides one-time payments to help qualified households pay their residential water and wastewater past due utility bills.
LIHWAP provides relief assistance to three priority groups:
- Households that have been shut off due to arrearages/fees
- Households that have been issued a shut off notice (or property lien for unpaid water bill) and are in danger of losing their water
- Households that need assistance paying their current water bill
Households that qualify for LIHWAP could reduce their water or wastewater charges, or both if their bills include both services, by up to $2,000.
How do I get help paying my water bill in Utah?
If you are in danger of falling behind on your water bills and need help, you may apply online or by phone at (866) 205-4357.
Utah Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
Utah Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) helps low-income individuals and families reduce energy costs in their homes. Benefits are provided in the form of non-cash grants to households to make home energy efficiency improvements.
Eligibility is set at 200% of the poverty level but priority is given to the elderly and disabled, as well as families with preschool-age children, high-energy consumption, and emergency situations.
How do I apply for WAP in Utah?
To apply for weatherization assistance, you must submit your application to the agency that services the county in which you reside. Your application will then be prioritized and put on a waiting list.
Utah Unemployment Insurance
Utah Unemployment Insurance provides jobless compensation to eligible unemployed workers through no fault of their own that meet Utah’s eligibility requirements.
It is intended to pay temporary benefits to eligible claimants during times of unemployment when suitable work is not available.
To qualify for unemployment benefits in Utah, you must have, prior to filing a claim,
- worked in at least two calendar quarters, AND
- earned at least $5,100 in the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters, AND
- have total wages in your base period that are at least one and one-half times your high quarter wages.
If you are eligible for benefits, you may receive up to 26 weeks of regular benefits, depending on your past earnings.
What is the maximum weekly unemployment benefit in Utah?
People who are eligible for unemployment benefit in Utah will receive a weekly payment amount between $41 and $746.
How do I file for unemployment in Utah?
Claims for UI benefits will be expedited if you file online or if you decide to file by phone, you can call the numbers listed below.
Utah Promise Grant
Utah Promise Grant is a statewide need-based program that provides financial assistance to students who demonstrate financial need in Utah.
It is a “last dollar scholarship” available to recent high school graduates and adult learners at Utah’s public colleges and universities, as well as Utah’s public technical colleges.
Awards will be offered to students as funding allows, with consideration being given to those identified with the highest financial need.