New Mexico Works

New Mexico Works (NM Works) — New Mexico’s version of TANF, is the essential part of the safety net for very low-income families in New Mexico.

It provides time-limited cash assistance to poor families with children who qualify. Eligibility is limited to a percentage of federal poverty level.

With a few exceptions, NM Works recipients ages 16—59 must take part at least 30 hours per week in activities to help them get the necessary skills that will allow them to “move from welfare to work”.

Transition Bonus Program

The Cash Assistance Transition Bonus Program (TBP) is being brought back following a 12-year hiatus.

TBP provides a limited duration and fixed month cash assistance bonus to families whose incomes are too high to remain in the NMW TANF program.

A non-prorated, benefit amount of $200 will be given to all TBP participants under 150% of federal poverty guidelines — for up to 18 months.

For more info about Transition Bonus Program (TBP), please call your NMWorks provider or customer service at 1-800-283-4465.


Who is eligible for TANF in New Mexico?

In order to be eligible for TANF in New Mexico, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident.
  2. Be a resident of New Mexico.
  3. Be unemployed or under employed (working for very low wages).
  4. Be pregnant or have a child under age 19.
  5. Have countable income within certain limits.

What is the income limit for TANF in New Mexico?

Eligibility for TANF in New Mexico is partially based on an individual’s or family’s countable household income. The guidelines are provided here.

A family is considered “needy” when their gross countable income is less than or equal to 85% of the poverty level. For a family of three, the limit $1,829 is per month.

Family Size
Income Limit

How much do I get for TANF in New Mexico?

For the first time since 2011, cash assistance payments for needy families in New Mexico have increased. New Mexico now pays a maximum of $549 a month to a family of three with little or no income.

How do I get cash assistance in NM?

Application for all public assistance in New Mexico, including NM Works, can be done online via Yes! New Mexico — the official portal for residents of New Mexico to apply, renew and check benefits at the comfort of their home.

Once eligibility is confirmed, you will receive your EBT Card preloaded with your monthly approved benefit amount no later than 30 working days from the date the office received your application.

How long can you receive TANF in New Mexico?

Receipt of NM Works is limited to no more than 60 months. However, there is a “hardship exception” that allows some families to continue getting TANF payments beyond that limit. Proof of hardship circumstances is often required.

To learn more about the program, you may use the Office Locator Map to find a NMHSD Income Support Field Office near you or contact

ISD Customer Service Center
(800) 283-4465