Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Each state has the option to cover its CHIP population within its Medicaid program, design and structure a separate CHIP program, or establish a combination program using both options.
Currently, 11 states including District of Columbia operate CHIP through their Medicaid program; 2 states — Connecticut and Washington, operate a separate CHIP program; and 38 states use a combination approach.
CHIP Eligibility
Listed below are the CHIP eligibility levels as a percentage of federal poverty level (FPL) and income limit in each state, including District of Columbia — as of December 2023.
Alabama | ALL Kids | 317% | $81,849 |
Alaska | Denali Kidcare | 208% | $102,296 |
Arizona | KidsCare | 230% | $59,386 |
Arkansas | ARKids First! | 216% | $55,771 |
California | Medi-Cal | 266% | $68,681 |
Colorado | Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) | 265% | $68,423 |
Connecticut | HUSKY (Part B) | 323% | $83,399 |
Delaware | Healthly Children | 217% | $56,029 |
D.C. | DC Healthy Families | 324% | $83,657 |
Florida | Florida KidCare | 215% | $55,513 |
Georgia | PeachCare for Kids | 252% | $65,066 |
Hawaii | Med-QUEST | 313% | $92,930 |
Idaho | Idaho Health Plan | 190% | $49,058 |
Illinois | ALL Kids | 318% | $82,108 |
Indiana | Hoosier Healthwise | 255% | $65,841 |
Iowa | Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (Hawk-I) | 380% | $98,116 |
Kansas | KanCare | 255% | $65,841 |
Kentucky | Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP) | 218% | $56,288 |
Louisiana | LaCHIP | 255% | $65,841 |
Maine | Cub Care | 213% | $54,997 |
Maryland | Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) | 322% | $83,140 |
Massachusetts | MassHealth | 305% | $78,751 |
Michigan | MIChild | 217% | $56,029 |
Minnesota | MinnesotaCare | 288% | $74,362 |
Mississippi | CHIP | 214% | $55,255 |
Missouri | MO HealthNet for Kids | 305% | $78,751 |
Montana | Healthy Montana Kids | 266% | $68,681 |
Nebraska | Kids Connection | 218% | $56,288 |
Nevada | Nevada Check Up | 205% | $52,931 |
New Hampshire | NH Medicaid | 323% | $83,399 |
New Jersey | NJ Family Care | 355% | $91,661 |
New Mexico | Centennial Care for Children | 305% | $78,751 |
New York | Child Health Plus (CHPlus) | 405% | $104,571 |
North Carolina | NC Health Choice for Children (NCHC) | 216% | $55,771 |
North Dakota | Healthy Steps | 205% | $52,931 |
Ohio | Healthy Start | 211% | $54,480 |
Oklahama | SoonerCare | 210% | $54,222 |
Oregon | Oregon Health Plan | 305% | $78,751 |
Pennsylvania | CHIP | 319% | $82,366 |
Rhode Island | RIte Care | 266% | $68,681 |
South Carolina | Healthy Connections Kids | 213% | $54,997 |
South Dakota | CHIP | 209% | $53,964 |
Tennessee | CoverKids | 255% | $65,841 |
Texas | CHIP | 206% | $53,189 |
Utah | CHIP | 205% | $52,931 |
Vermont | Dr. Dynasaur | 317% | $81,849 |
Virginia | Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) | 205% | $52,931 |
Washington | Apple Health for Kids | 317% | $81,849 |
West Virginia | WV CHIP | 305% | $78,751 |
Wisconsin | BadgerCare Plus | 306% | $79,009 |
Wyoming | KidCare CHIP | 205% | $52,931 |
Eligibility levels reflect MAGI converted income standards that include a five percentage point of the federal poverty level disregard and are subject to change. Income limits are presented as a percentage of poverty level for a family of three, which is $25,820