NC Community College Grant

Funded by the State of North Carolina, the NC Community College Grant is made available to North Carolina residents who demonstrate financial need and are enrolled at North Carolina community colleges.

Eligibility is based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by FAFSA. Full-time students whose federal EFC ranges from 1301 to 8,500 are eligible.


Who is eligible for NC Community College Grant? #

  1. Be a North Carolina resident and U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  2. Be an undergraduate student with no prior baccalaureate degree
  3. Be enrolled at least six (6) credit hours at an eligible North Carolina community college
  4. Have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) within a range determined by the State each academic year
  5. Must meet all other eligibility requirements for federal Pell Grant

How much is the NC Community College Grant? #

Full-time students whose federal EFC ranges from 1301 to 8,500 will receive awards on a sliding scale — up to $2,200, subject to fund availability. 1

How do I apply for NC Community College Grant? #

Applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on time. Consideration for funding is automatic once the FAFSA is filed.

Applicants should meet priority deadlines established by their institution. Late applicants may be denied if insufficient funds are available.


  1. 2022-2023 NC Community College Grant Program Payment Schedule.
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